Sunday, April 13, 2014

Comment accepter la défaite conduit à deux médailles d'or

medals of success to win in life defeat

If you have already stepped up and disappeared after a goal you know what I mean.

This feeling when all you can do is hope...

You've done all the preparation.

You sacrificed.

You have worked.

You have planned.

And now, everything is in balance for everything that happens in the following 90 seconds.

It often happens in sports.

But even more in the company... much more often that you may realize.

For me, it happened there a few weeks ago. It is in the hours before I walked on the carpet of a tournament of Tae Kwando.

I had prepared and planned for the month: eating, training, out for a run, when all I really wanted to do was curl up at the TV. the practice of sparring, bruises, injuries, pain...

I had paid my dues.

Now, it was crisis time.

And normally I would have been confident enough... Wait, I've seen my opponent and knew I was beaten before I even pulled out on the carpet.

Here is what happened...

I had hours of waiting around between realize who I was going to have to fight at a given time and actually make the fight: hours of deep knowing that I was already beaten. I know that any theory on the «believe» that you can win even against winds and tides. But these were not the sides. I was facing a cold, hard reality.

I bet you had moments like this too...

So I released all my best mind-programming knowledge and exercises and developed to work in struggling with myself to find the way to express what would allow me to do some things (in order of priority), namely:

win, avoid injury andget by him with the least amount of emotional discomfort...

I set to work. After all - this is what I teach when I help business owners to obtain their right to internal clearance for companies.

I tried emotional compensation.

I used the compensation of belief.

I tried visualization.

None of this seemed to be scratching the surface.

In any case, after several hours of mental gymnastics, I found - why don't I just accept that I will not win and focus on the issues and stay relatively safe?

After all, I had been viewing two golds of the month-a little more work that in the past hours will not make a big difference, right.

So I did.

I release taken from any desire to win... and focused only on get my head in the sport for the enjoyment of it.

"After all, it's 90 seconds of kicks and punches. I can do - so why worry about anything that any other "I thought. I could even enjoy;)

I started to play sports...

Well, the result was that I get beaten in a fight... but I did poorly. Indeed, after the battle, she and a another girl of the same size and capacity was asked to join team with them... where three of us would take another team of three.

Long story short, we went to annihilate a two other teams and won gold in the team division.

Adding to the gold medal that I won this morning for my model (a sequence of movements that we have to perform to demonstrate strength and technique)... I ended up taking home two gold medals.

It was exactly the thing I'd been training for and visualization of the months: two gold medals.

Mission accomplished.

Sometimes it y of the deviations in the plan which mean the correction of the path.

Sometimes do you kick ass.

Sometimes, things go wrong and you don't know how you're probably going to get the result you need.

Mental gymnastics and work planning intentions and emotional works... If you do it far enough in advance.

But when you're in the heat of the moment, the best thing you can do, I have proven to myself, is , let go and trust the work you have done so far. Accept everything that comes to the top, stay in the moment, keep your head in the game and you will win.

I accepted that I was going to have to fight someone who probably beat me. I let go of trying to "think positively" and worked with what was before me. My result for this tournament was two gold medals... which was exactly what I got - despite losing a fight and it is not exactly as I expected.

Focus on the results.

Put your power. And don't worry about the * way *.

You can have anything you choose to have.

To your success!

Laura Leigh Clarke

Share ButtonLaura Leigh Clarke (@EnlightenLaura) is the business coach to the heroes of the entrepreneurial revolution. She worked with Movers and Shakers who want the (profitable) transition to "work to pay the Bills" and to do what they lights! Do not hesitate to download its plan of "profitable business idea" process she uses with her coaching business of red carpet.

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